Maggie Blake Bailey

Quilty As Charged

Seams Deadly


Bury the Lede

Clay Byars

Will and I: A Memoir

Patrick Dean

Nature's Messenger

A Window to Heaven

Karla Diggs

Cotton Club Princess

Dwight Gray

Contested Terrain


Lindsey Harding

Pligrims 2.0

Adrianne Harun

On the Way to the End of the World

Catch, Release

A Man Came Out of a Door in the Mountain

The King of Limbo

Robyn Leigh Lear

Ekphrasis as Divination: An Incantation Catalogue

Rachel Louise Martin

A Most Tolerant Little Town 

Hot, Hot Chicken

Hannah Palmer

The Pool is Closed

Flight Path

Heidi Siegrist

All Y'all

Maggie Thrash

Rainbow Black

Strange Lies

Honor Girl

Kathryn Weld


Cheryl Whitehead

Distant Relations

Faculty Publications

Emily Adrian

Seduction Theory (forthcoming in Aug. 2025)


The Second Season

Everything Here is Under Control

Chris Bachelder


The Throwback Special

Abbott Awaits


Lessons in Virtual Tour Photography

Bear v. Shark

Nickole Brown

The Donkey Elegies

To Those Who Were Our First Gods

Fanny Says


Sebastian Castillo

Fresh, Green Life (forthcoming in 2025)

The Zoo of Thinking


Not I

49 Venezuelan Novels

Ryan Chapman

The Audacity

Riots I Have Known

Tiana Clark

Scorched Earth


I Can't Talk About the Trees Without the Blood

Sidik Fofana

Stories From The Tenants Downstairs

Rebecca Gayle Howell

El interior de la ballena / The belly of the whale (translation)

What Things Cost: an anthology for the people

American Purgatory

Render / An Apocalypse

Hagar Before the Occupation / Hagar After the Occupation (translation)

Adam O'Fallon Price

The Hotel Neversink

The Grand Tour

Jamie Quatro

Two-Step Devil

Fire Sermon

I Want to Show You More

Meera Subramanian

A River Runs Again: India's Natural World in Crisis, from the Barren Cliffs of Rajasthan to the Farmlands of Karnataka

Essays anthologized in Best American Science and Nature Writing; Solastalgia: An Anthology of Emotion in a Disappearing World: The Best Women’s Travel Writing

Justin Taylor


Riding with the Ghost


The Gospel of Anarchy

Everything Here is the Best Thing Ever